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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 09/10/09

Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission meeting 9/10/ 2009
Attending:  Sam Harding, Dave Kirkpatrick, Barbara Reynolds, Ron Haggett, Celeste Lunetta Director & Mike Genest ex offico.
Absent:  Thelma Nichols, Pat Leonard & Peter Lamb.
Community:  Gregg Lake Association members Bob Southall, Carol Carnes & Jeanne Baker.
1:  Bob Southall presented the 2008 water quality results in depth. In addition 2 tests were taken this summer in conjunction with a biologist from the NH DES, results not yet available. Bob left a copy of the report for those interested in reading further.  The tests are $100 dollars and three are suggested as the minimum needed for the summer. The Gregg Lake and White Birch Point association funds each currently one seasonal test. Bob requested that Antrim take a role in these future tests to help with both funding and the volunteers necessary to conduct them.  The testing shows that the lake is in good shape generally. Commission members agreed that Gregg Lake is one on the most important recreational assets that Antrim has and efforts should be made to continue to monitor the health of Gregg Lake. Bob mentioned that similar monitoring efforts are being undertaken at Pierce Lake.  
2:  Jeanne Baker mentioned that the invasive and native weed monitoring is ongoing and producing good “negative” results.  She and Carol are members of the Lake Host program and continue to monitor and educate boaters in weed awareness and control as they bring their boats to Gregg Lake. There was a discussion of moored sailboats, “Antrim Yacht Club”, in the boat launch area that hindered launches.  Dave said he would look into this.  
3:  Jeanne and Carol are scheduled to attend our October meeting to present fish and geese reports.
4:  Celeste reported on her meeting with AES, GBH and Conval personnel regarding the use and maintenance of Shea Field held August 25th.  We are still unable to reach an agreement with Conval on district funding for the maintenance.  Minutes of this meeting are available.  It was agreed that a draft of a use agreement for Shea Field would be prepared.  (By whom)?
5:Discussion of the proposed “beach pass” from last meeting resulted in tabling this idea for good.
6:  Fence removal for snow plowing at the town parking lot on School Street was left to the district to work out with the town.
7:  Barbara Reynolds brought up the potential safety issue of young children using the skateboard park as a playground.  Signage and parent education may help.
8:  Additional Gregg Lake Info:  E-coli testing at the beach was OK for the season.   
Meeting adjourned at 9:19.  Next meeting 10/08 at 7PM

Submitted:  Ron Haggett